Raspberry Blonde Beer style recipe kit
A recipe pack containing the ingredients to make a fruit style beer ( Please note Raspberry and Gelatin not included) 23L
Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 23.0
Maris Otter 3628g
Vienna Malt 907g
Crystal Malt 226g
Roasted Barley 68g
Columbus 7g - Boil 55 mins
Columbus 7g - Boil 35 mins
Cascade 7g - Boil 20mins
Cascade 7g - Boil 5 mins
Raspberries (whole) 1130g (not included in kit) secondary 14 days
Gelatin 0.50 Teaspoon ( Not included) secondary 5 hours
Nottingham Ale Yeast
Protofloc Tablet